The Healing Point Podcast
Translating the messages of the body. This podcast features conversations with people that are questioning the root cause of their physical issues. I hope to illustrate the mind body connection and how our physical experiences are rooted our emotional body.
42 episodes
#42 Circulation - Withdrawing From the Edge of Life
Blood represents our vitality and essence, circulation problems are often a shrinking back, the warmth or our blood not quite reaching our extremities; the edges of us. Listen as we explore what's happening in the physical body and how this is ...
Episode 42

#41 Digestive Issues - No time to absorb
You may have heard the phrase 'rest and digest' - our body is designed to absorb food best when we are relaxed. So what happens to our digestion when we are stressed? And where does the stress come from?In this episode we explore the ro...
Episode 41

#40 Perimenopause - Changing the pattern
Perimenopause is the beginning of a transition that can bring tumultuous change for some women. In this episode you will hear one woman's experience of the shifts in her body that are happening for her and how this experience is reflec...
Episode 40

#39 Painful Periods - The Pain of Letting Go
In this episode we explore the root cause of painful periods. Notice the connections between holding onto emotions and the battle (pain) of releasing them is reflected in the physical menstrual cycle. Thank you ...
Episode 39

#38 Back Pain - when the past holds you back
Our speaker in this episode describes a back problem which roots back to the limited beliefs she learnt from her childhood.As she talks she hears her own words she's using to describe her situation and realisation and insight bubbles into h...
Episode 38

#37 The Ileocecal Valve - Finding the Flow
The Ileocecal valve connects the small and large intestine.This valve is designed to support the downward flow of digestion, absorption and elimination.Problems with this valve effect our bodies and can create much digestive discomf...
Episode 37

#36 Varicose Veins - The Cold Cord
This episode follows a problem with painful varicose veins into the past and some difficult childhood experiences.Varicose veins are essentially a problem with circulation, the blood has stagnated and stopped moving in the vessel....
Episode 36

#35 Vision - Seeing the future
In this episode our speaker has been diagnosed with a rare auto immune disease effecting her eyes named Ocular Pemphigoid.Why would the body create this condition? What is the message behind the loss of vision?These are the questions we...
Episode 35

#34 Head Injury & Vertigo - A turning point event
BPPV stands for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. It occurs when crystals of calcium carbonate shift in the inner ear creating balance problems, vertigo and extremely unpleasant feelings of spinning. It can be very disabling. In th...
Episode 34

#33 Acne - Anger, shame and emotional pain
In this episode we explore the Root Cause of Acne.In this beautiful and heartfelt conversation you will really hear the emotional pain our speaker felt in her upbringing. The work we did in this session was profound and months later she...
Episode 33

#32 Itching to have another child
For some, conceiving a child is easy but for others its a multilayered issue that effects every area of life and living.In this episode we explore one woman's experience of what appears to be a separate physical issue - itchy skin, and ...
Episode 32

#31 High Blood Pressure - The desire to grow
In this episode we explore why Blood Pressure Problems have arisen for the speaker.There are lots of metaphors here:The idea of pressure pushing against boundaries and limitations. The concept of going beyond what ...
Episode 31

#30 Rheumatoid Arthritis - The anger inside
In this episode we explore the speakers experience of RA.Life is a mirror for us; notice how her experience mirrored and activated the child within. A part of her that was still angry and feeling unloved.The inner work in ...
Episode 30

#29 Insulin Resistance - The problem with pushing
Insulin resistance is a hallmark of Type 2 Diabetes.In this episode we explore the background that may have led to the appearance of Insulin Resistance in the speaker's body.Pushing is always a sign that resistance is present.I hope...
Episode 29

#28 Vulvodynia - When Creative Expression is Blocked
Vulvodynia is a hidden pain, not well known, but for those that struggle with it, this distressing condition can effect every area of a woman's life. For those unfamiliar with this issue the symptoms are persistent and usually unex...
Episode 28

#27 An Underactive Thyroid - The Fear of Asking
The Thyroid gland sits in the throat chakra, and there is a reason why the energy there gets unbalanced.Speaking our truth can be difficult, especially if we are rejected when our words come out. The Thyroid is like an acceler...
Episode 27

#26 Tinnitus - Hearing the Inner Voice
This episode explores our speaker's Tinnitus.You'll hear me searching for clues for the Root Cause until, eventually, we connect the dots.This podcast illustrates how the body is always guiding us towards wholeness.Take from it ...
Episode 26

#25 Carrying the Weight - The pressure of pleasing
Question - When has a weight issue got nothing to do with food?Answer - Always!In this episode we explore the beliefs and patterns behind not being happy with the way the body looks, a very familiar issue for many.Learning to lo...
Episode 25

#24 Fertility - Getting Out Of Warrior Mode
Getting pregnant is one of life's beautiful miracles, and the source of much pain when it doesn't happen despite years of trying. In this episode we explore why the speaker's body may not be ready to conceive. No mat...
Episode 24

#23 Physical Triggers - How a Symptom Mirrors an Emotional Wound
This episode demonstrates how physical symptoms reflect emotional wounds. When we start to explore a symptom deeply, it will lead us right back into the emotion and then to the original source - The Root CauseTriggers, whether ...
Episode 23

#22 Knee Pain - Fear of Stepping Forward
In this episode our speaker is caught in a thought - pain loop.Pain rooted in anger, manifested in the past.This pain prevented him from doing a sport that he loved; Javelin throwing was "like punching the air" it helped him relea...
Episode 22

#21 IBS & Psoriasis - When The Body Seeks Safety
In this episode we explore the Root Cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Psoriasis.This is a discussion about feeling safe and how fear is wired into this person's nervous system.Emotional Regulation and rewiring the protec...

#20 Endometriosis - Contain and Control
Endometriosis is a debilitating and painful condition effecting many women.In this episode we hear one woman's endometriosis journey from menarche through pain and infertility issues to becoming a parent. We discuss the&...

#19 Shoulder & Wrist Inflammation - The Fight Within
Inflammation indicates that a fight is going on.This Judo expert is battling an internal conflict, and the only way she knows how to deal with it is by powering through. Now that fight has shown up in her physical body and the way she h...
Episode 19