The Healing Point Podcast

#41 Digestive Issues - No time to absorb

Tracey Stevens Episode 41

You may have heard the phrase 'rest and digest' - our body is designed to absorb food best when we are relaxed. So what happens to our digestion when we are stressed? And where does the stress come from?

In this episode we explore the roots of one person's  stress and uncover a deep belief that is driving the body to feel stressed, on edge and never quite relaxed enough to absorb the present moment.

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To discover more about how your past experiences and emotions influence your physical body and health take a look at my courses and dive into the Emotional Anatomy Library to hear more unpublished podcasts.

Would you like to be on my podcast or have a discussion on You Tube please email me I'd be happy to connect with you.

Lots of Love
Tracey x