The Healing Point Podcast

#23 Physical Triggers - How a Symptom Mirrors an Emotional Wound

Tracey Stevens Episode 23

This episode demonstrates how physical symptoms reflect emotional wounds.
 When we start to explore a symptom deeply, it will lead us right back into the emotion and then to the original source - The Root Cause

Triggers, whether emotional or physical, are always from the past.
Notice the words the speaker uses about her unusual symptom and how they reflect her TRUE self.

Check out The Root Cause Practice Program  if you're inspired to learn more about the emotions behind physical conditions.
There is lots and lots of information on my Instagram feed, or my website:

Please do let me know your thoughts and feedback.
Tracey x

Want to learn more with me?

You can find me on Instagram @thehealingpoint._ , YouTube
Or my website

To discover more about how your past experiences and emotions influence your physical body and health take a look at my courses and dive into the Emotional Anatomy Library to hear more unpublished podcasts.

Would you like to be on my podcast or have a discussion on You Tube please email me I'd be happy to connect with you.

Lots of Love
Tracey x